La Mif d’Ordure # 713 (feat. lila+s+g)

vendredi 11 mars 2022 par Avis |

Avec "La Mif aka La griffe de la nuit ; Fight War not Wars / Destroy Power not People" playlist /// mais pas que..

Télécharger (mp3 - 74.7 Mio) / Popup

The Paragons - On the Beach

Mon Dragon - .What A What A Waste (Enfer Blanc) aka Muchu Krueger

Analyzing / Normalising / standardising / Entertaining / advertising / petrifying/ Gimme a reason to live like this / Gimme a responsible for a life like this / Regulating / overseeing / anihiling/ Masturbating on the dying / watch me rising / tête en puzzle brisé / peur du noir / force ma normalité à coup de pilules rouges / hauts murs blancs / verts / gris / jaunes pisse /à s’y noyer / là les parias crèvent en chien / enfer blanc

Mortality Rate - Sleep deprivation - Sandman (Calgary, Alberta)

Defëkt - All lives Mater (tarn)

The James Hunter Six - Light of My Life

la conférence "migrations et solidarités" de Saïd Bouamama

Avec ""il n’y pas pire inégalité que..." me souviens plus comment il avait dit ça" playlist /// mais pas que..

Ruidosa Inmundicia - El Final - Soy tu Igual (Vienna, Austria)

Janpalach - Seven Nails - I am the Thunder (Odessa, Ukraine)

We understand that there is also an information war going on right now, so this is only a small part of what we can do. Spread the truth about the events in our country, show all the atrocities committed by Putin’s fascist regime. If you have friends in Russia and Belarus in the first place, in Europe, South America and elsewhere, let the whole world know that Ukraine is now a shield behind which the future well-being of the whole world. We don’t need a war. Fuck the war !

From pain and evil
Climb over corpses
Not a choice that you make yourself
Sharpening incisal teeth
Where are you standing on the road
A wall grows
Cheating encouraged
Won’t let you go to heaven

Beats in the temples until it’s dust, don’t kneel, I raise the white flag

Disease, epidemic, pain, war
Keeps fear in the abyss of despair
Living on the road, leaving your house, deleting all the numbers
Just don’t be afraid to die in other worlds

Bringing a helmet with earth to the grave,
Don’t look back at the shouts behind your back
Poison forever wash the memory,
And then you stand here like you’re not yourself

On the chips of gray stone
Monolithic fortresses of fear to die were born
Clutching in hand a lump of mercury like gold leafcross.
Walking gets harder

Bringing a helmet with earth to the grave,
Don’t look back at the shouts behind your back
Poison the memory forever wash,
So you will stand on the threshold as if not your own ?

Burying yourself
Dissolving into shadows
Blindfold your eyes
Three more nails in your neck

This is the clatter of boots
Foot washing
This is the falseness of the orchestra
Your last place
This is wet asphalt
This is dank earth
This is the death knell and the last creaking moan

Torn hands in red wine cannot be washed away from mourning themes


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