Avis, blague, cercles, mots cachés & Ordures # 702 (feat. s+g)

jeudi 7 octobre 2021 par Avis |

"cercle ouvert, cercle fermé, intersection de cercle et/ou entre soi" /// mais pas que..

Télécharger (mp3 - 87.3 Mio) / Popup

Avec comme "larmes, amibes, cellules, cercles, cycles, cerceaux..." playlist :

 Jenny Picolo - one wat (Richmond, California)

 Bullshit Propaganda - Twintro - Freedom is a lie (Hellevoetsluis, Hollande)

civilian thrower
one burning match

scène report imaginaire

Darjeeling Opium

 Darjeeling Opium - modern life (Montpellier)

Restorative Justice & Peacemaking Circle

 Subhumans - worlds apart (Bath, UK)
alternativ link aka coline : Culture Shock
 PizzzB - bouffe vegan (la rouille)
 Kefta Karnage- ACAB les opticiens (toulouse)

 Matrak attakk - sola (sarthe)

 Tendresse Violence - Smiley coeur noir (toulouse)

Avec comme "mots cachés sonores" playlist :

 Ravage - clowns (Java, Indonesie)

 Falaun - fools (Liverpool, Uk)
The strongest drug I ever took, was the one when I was born The greatest lie they ever told, was the one that fooled them all Productivity at an all time low, they told us to work harder Mental health on the increase, the lights only getting darker Fall into line, follow the crowd, go with the stream, watch life pass you by If they fooled me and they fooled you, if they fooled everybody else, its what they meant to do Keep your head down work harder, slave away the daily grind One day you’ll own a house, with a mortgage until you die Get a new car on finance, don’t forget your council tax I think I’ve had enough of work, I want my life back

 Barren ? - rise and chine (le double ’r’ de Ripas)

 Clearxcut- unisson (Vegan sxe, Allemagne)

 Ratur- brasier (Nantes)


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