Dur dur la vie # 4 a.k.a. avis d’ortie (feat. ortie+g+s)

samedi 28 août 2021 par Avis |

"avis d’ortie, accueil, zine, et si on prenait soin les uns des autres" /// mais pas que..

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Avec "bretagne, personnel et collectif, mettre une petite pierre dans les échanges en cours" playlist :

MAKRUH - altercation - quartenate I - II

deceiving and distraction - why we are not who we are

SIAL - Bencana
Hardcore punk band from the police state of the republic of SIngapore, Southeast Asia

Glen Football - choices

Anomaly - blood

Your jokes weren’t very funny, I didn’t appreciate you begging me time and time again. We have shed these layers, We are stronger each day And if I ever see your face again, I will hold no fucking mercy. For the nights locked out in the cold, The tight closed fist you raised with fast pace, and the knives you held with such disgrace I now carry with, just in case. I am not helpless, I am worth more and I will never be told orders again. I want you dead, I want you fucking dead.

FRAU - Mira

Avec "une tarte sucrée, une tarte salée" playlist :

Ambulance - The end of our time

Farewell - Il a bon dos leur social
cassdedi paulin

Los Rezios - Inopia
cassdedi sylvain

Avec "ping-pong, anpe squattée tout le confort moderne" playlist :
URIN - Znów to samo

All in Vain - nightmare


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