Avis d’Onde courte émission # 697 (feat. s+a)

mardi 8 juin 2021 par Avis |

"merci bucu mon ami - dean jones -extreme noise terroir" /// mais pas que..

Télécharger (mp3 - 85 Mio) / Popup

Avec comme "nettoyer la poussière" playlist :

Nothing clean - Abuse (Leicester, UK)
Power is poison - Deported (non tronquée cette fois) (Hollande)
Question - Strength in sorrow et tout le reste de la démo tape (Minneapolis, Us)

Octopoulpe - en live dans ton salon (Seoul, South Korea)

Rifle diet - The affected (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

I hear they say, “the scene is apolitical”
I hear they say that, “no one gives a shit”
I hear they say that, “that was just the 90s”
I keep on saying that there are people still oppressed
No I wont stand down, I’m not white and I want a place
I wont shut up because I’m queer and I’ll raise a voice
I wont back off, for my women and all they face
No I wont back down
I hear they say, “the scene is apolitical”
I hear they say that, “no one gives a shit”
I hear they say that, “that was just the 90s”
I keep on saying that there are people still oppressed
No I wont stand down, I’m not white and I want a place
I wont shut up because I’m queer and I’ll raise a voice
I wont back off, for my women and all they face
No I wont back down
You want to know why I fight ? I’ll tell you why I fight…
You want to know why we fight ? We fight because we’re the people this affects
I hear what you’re saying but we’re people not politics
I hear what you’re saying but we’re the people that this affects
I hear what you’re saying but I don’t give a shit

Swallowing shit - I heard songs about animal rights are not cool anymore (Winnipeg, Canada)

Travolta - Less violence more dancing (Heist Op Den Berg, Belgium)

Less violence, more dancing
Get in the pit and hug a friend we don’t need your though guy stance
Get in the pit and hug a friend we don’t need your macho dance
Less violence, more dancing
Beatdown jocks, windmill fucks so though and cool
But in fact you’re a fool, you’re uncool
Less violence more dancing

Traitre- UMD (Lille, France)

le monde vu d’en bas N°12

Abuso- Genios des D-beat (Bogotá, Colombia)

Coupe gorge - Coupe gorge (Brest, France)

Crumbs - Trapped in a haircut (Leeds, UK)

Extreme noise terror - interview "Onde Courte" a.k.a. Alex + live festival Carnage fest (Ipswich, UK)

Onde Courte - la web radio du libre

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