Avis d’ORdure émission # 693 (feat. s+g)

dimanche 11 avril 2021 par Avis |

"ni fille, ni garçon mais punk." /// mais pas que..

Télécharger (mp3 - 84.6 Mio) / Popup

Avec comme "salut minou" playlist :

Les Couilles sur la table - Nourir son homme

Deny - Re-fuse (Mariestad, Suède)

Re-fuse ----------------------- Refuse / to close my eyes to the truth Refuse / to shut my mouth when I feel hate Time to refuse, re fuse the fuse Time to re fuse, re fuse your fuse Re-fuse / Reignite Re-fuse / Time to explode Reform / for a new society Reform / to find a better way to live Time to re form, re form and stand Time to reform, reform our way Re-form / Together Re-form / For a new society

Armistice - Ecocide (Los Angeles, California)

Avec comme " Un jour sans fin aka début/milieu/fin aka passé/présent/futur" playlist :

Stregesti - Blask (Pologne)

Ortika - Ira (Liège, Belgique)
ton corps, le mien ta vie m’appartiens ! leave your aspirations and desires away I’ll decide right away leave your hope and dreams behind as you are mine ! decadence of the world the comeback of christ ! Say the priest surrounded by gold hypocrisy has no price ! twitting racist rants for your crappy pride. Lovin’ Power ! alt right scum IRA IRA IRA IRA IRA IRA IRA IRA !!! the coup in bolivia is made by fascist pigs admiring israel and usa for their ethnic cleansing ! killing indigenous people in the name of christ ? how fake you are, believing your own lies !? privileged religion of capitalism your jesus is shaking in his tomb ! Siete solo fecce, e agonizzante e’ il dolore ! Poliziotti, frustrati, pioneri di rabbia (la) nostra Ira supera il vostro odio e spesso vi spaventa e spiazza ! stupratori impauriti da grida e lacrime di donne ! lovin’ power alt right scum IRA IRA IRA IRA IRA IRA IRA IRA !!!

Ansïa - Cordura (CT, Espagne)

Etacarinae - Firestorm (Barcelone, Espagne)

Black Square - Die Neue Normalität (NRW, Allemagne)

Extinct Exist - Thawing (Melbourne, Australie)

XInquisitionX- Action Reaction (Marseille)

Boom - BooM the System (Toulouse)
Scream your hate, your rage Raise your fist against the system Scream your hate, your rage What the fuck to do ? I’m sick of it I can’t stand it BooM the system ! BooM the system ! I don’t want to be a part of the system I don’t want to feel the pressure on my head I don’t want to see some blood over my hands I don’t want, no ! I don’t want to be a part of the system I don’t want to feel the pressure on my head I don’t want, no no no !

Morbid Scum - Deep in the Dark (Montpellier)

Avec comme "on déborde ?" playlist :

Exorbitant prices must diminish - Diminish ! (Suisse)

Vagina Dentata - Women and psychiatry (Belgique)


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