Avis d’ORdure émission # 673 (feat. s+g+elvis)

jeudi 2 juillet 2020 par Avis |

corona is the virus, capitalism is the..., alltéléchatarebeautiful, gentrifried tofu, catch poétique, la course ou la vie, le téléphone sonne /// mais pas que..

Télécharger (mp3 - 101.7 Mio) / Popup

Avec comme playlist :

 The Muslims - Moshed potatoes

 The Muslims - Ya late
 The Muslims - Fuck the cistem

 Celicia - They don’t want me to be happy, they want me to be quiet

A World Divided Tapes

Talk about some of your favorite releases you have released. Explain to our punk readers who might not know who these bands are, why you think they should know who they are.

Bands like Demokhratia, Mara’a Borkan, Detox, Caged Bastard, ZWM, Riot Stones—these bands are from areas where punk is not understood—they have struggled to have a following and sometimes lack the courage and means to expose to share their messages and their music abroad—I have to say that I am proud of helping all these bands !

 Detox - Detox

 Detox - The system fails but the law prevails
 Mara’a Borkan - War
 Mara’a Borkan - Amalt
 Mara’a Borkan - Kont tetsa wer

 Tristan Tzara - ARDE - Triste

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