August 29 2023

mardi 29 août 2023 par Lagniappe |

Chère Lagniappe Family and Friends,

Life is lifing over here, but in the funniest of ways - it’s serious when it wants to be, crazy at other times as well as awe-inspiring on other levels.

If you missed a few shows, there weren’t that many as I was O-U-T over the past several monthS, but kinda getting back. Work was working, people were peopleling, things were thinging and all the math was mathing, but ALLLLLL of that has shifted and metamorphosed into....

In any case here I am, here you are and so here we are together. If you have any ideas that you’d like to share with me about the show, any content that you’d like to know more about I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me via the blog by posting your comments and suggestions.

So while Thursday’s show is bieng put together here are the past few episodes that you may have missed. Enjoy

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