lundi 18 septembre 2023 par laurent bruzy |

Playlist :
Stiff Richards (talk)
Béton Vibré (ne me bassine pas)
Chubby & The Gang (all along the uxbridge road)
Pleasure Principle (j’attend la bombe)
Strangeloves (cara-lin)
Slaughter & the Dogs (dame to blame)
Buzzcocks (orgasm addict)
Magazine (Shot By Both Sides)
Ludus (sightseeing)
XXX (boîte de nuit)
Special Service (je n’avais rien demandé)
Arlequin (génération paumée)
Innocent (radio)
Lumer (another day at the zoo)
Document (the spy who came in from the cold)
Kate Fagan (I don’t wanna be too cool)
Phone Jerks (frigg off)
Lewsberg (from never to once)
Warum Joe (jubile)
Degurutieni (13th floor city)
Shake Shake !
Television Personalities (painting by numbers)
Catholic Spray (silver castle pope)
Black Magic SS (mother lullaby)
Adult (tonight we fall)
Fabolous (you be killin ’em)
Cold Cave (underworld usa)
Dino, Desi & Billy (the rebel kind)

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