les titres Dixie bop de cette semaine

jeudi 30 mars 2017 par Emmanuel |

Cliff Richard "Love"
Patrik Fannon and the Footnotes "Eva"
Johny’s Guitar "Dragon walk"
Don Loat "Jiggedy Wiggedy Wolly"
Paul Hampton " Please love me"
Larl Perkings "Matchbox"
Larl Perkings "High heel sneekers"
Sonny and the Premiers "Flirtin
Franz Kratz "Go cat go"
Little Richard "Ooh ! my soul"
The Black Blue Velvets "I don’t want love"
The lincolns " Teddy boy Rock’n’ Roll"
The Boppin Gliesers " Gota have my wave"
Nige Lewis and the Zorchmen "Freight train graffiti"
Retarded rats "Wreck to wipe out"
The Rablim Bandits "On a hill"
Las rogers " Yo no se"
Bunker Hill "The girl can’t dance"
Don and neal "One kiss from you"
Don loates "Spinningmy wheels"
Teddy Martin "Chi chi wow"
Lucky Joe Almond "The last walt"
Little Richard "I got it"
The egyptians "Inkoster Boogie"
Danny Andrew "Lazy river"
Wally Hughes "Pug nose and pony tail"
Bunker Hill "You can’t make me doubt my baby"

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