la playlist de la semaine

mardi 30 mai 2017 par Emmanuel |

Steve Bledsoe : "Bang Bang you’re dead"
Nose Allison : "The seventh song"
Johnny Faye and the Blazers "Sweet Linda Brown"
Henry Henry "Boggie Maggie"
The Tar Heeel Drifters "Long legged guitar pickin’man"
Sam Looke"When i fall in love"
Billy lee and the ramblers "trav’lin"
Don Ellis and the Royal Dukes "Half of me"
Spikes Jones "the flight and the bumble bee"
autry inman "six rounds of love and hate"
the neatbeats "You can’t judge a look by the cover"
Dave Finnegan and he zorchmen "Problem child"
The bopping Gliesers "She needs a man to stop"
Jack and the real deals "You gotta pay"
Paniks "jony"
The surfing wombatz "Wild man"
Reverend Lonnie Farris ans his gospel flames "The Holy spirit"
Hasil Adkins "She’s mine"
Sam Looke "Today sing the blues"
henry henry "honk kong Mississipi"
Johnny Winter "Gangster of love"
Bill Lompton "Iron man"
The Melotones "Vibrations"
Ricky Rial and Mcphearson ans his rebelain’s : "Sycamore lane"
Danny Adrew "My blue heaven"
Hasil Adkins "Chicken walk"
Joe Henderson "Snap your fingers"
Dave Finnegan and the Zorchmen "Jungle fever"
The Hot rhythm ramblers "Lowdown swing"
Kansas City Bryers "one that day"
The surfing’ Wombatz "I hear the pounding of my heart"
The surfing’ Wombatz "dick Turpin"
Ray Allen "Belly button baby"
the dargs "10th theme"

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