Les titres de Dixie Bop de cette semaine

mercredi 5 avril 2017 par Emmanuel |

Johnny Kidd "I want that"
Les Kili-Cats "Na-bu-lo-do-no-zor"
Sonny Fithugh "I feel allright"
Rodney and the Blazers "Wrickles"
Dave Osborn "Shake it"
Jerry Irby "The night I whipped the devil "
George Loa "Cosmic Climax"
Andy Wilson "Johnny and Marie"
String Bean "Suicide Blues"
Chrome Reverse "Ther’s one thing"
The Hot rhytm Ramblers "Do I really deserve it from you"
The Magentix "Mr Moonbeam"
Almon Loss and The Hoop n’ Hollers " Is you is"
The surfing Wombatz " Bad Compagny Blues"
The Banded "Don’t turn out the lights"
The lincolns "One hand loose"
The Ramblin Bandits "Bankrobber Joe"
Faye Richmonde "My pussy belongs to daddy"
The Pharaohs "The green werewolf"
Wally Hughes " Convertibe car"
Goerge Loa "Maui Loa improvising pupule on the longos"
Johnny Talbot "Turkey in the briar"
Scotty Mckay "Let’s do it "
Ralph Hart ad The Musical Harts "Ain’t no grave gonna hold my body down"
Abdul Alexi Freeman "Abdul the cool"
Johnny and the shadows "Slim Skimmy"
Howard Perkings "Lovin-baby"
The Doel Brothers "What’s the matter baby"
The Surfin-Wombatz "Norman"
Almon Loss and The Hoop n’ Hollers "Hidden charms"
The Branded "You tore me apart"
The Ramblin Bandits "Binkiller"
The Bone Machine "Rock’n roll o morte"


  • Le 28 novembre 2020 à 16h03 par Djèdge

    Merci pour cette émission intemporelle qui me rappelle mon adolecence

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