Dixie bop les titres de la semaine

jeudi 4 mai 2017 par Emmanuel |

Steve Arlen "they took john away"
Doug Powell "Big city walk"
Little Billy Earl "Too tired too rock"
Elmer Samuel Patterson "Two Wings"
G. M. Farley " The devil’s train"
JuniorThompson "Raw deal"
Oscar MclOllie "Hot banana"
kenny Owens "I got the bug"
Sleepy la Beef "All the time"
Wayne MCGinnis "Rock, roll and rythm"
The surfin ’wombatz "Moving down the street"
The hot Rhytm Ramblers "somenone"
Dead Bone Ramlers "old Fairground’
A. J an d the Rocking’s trio "let howl at the moon"
The rambling bandits "shoot shoot"
The Howling bones "The ballad of hasil hadkins"
The Howling bones "Rockabilly widerin"
The dargs "Allergic reaction"
Magnificient Seven "Baby Doll"
The searchers "I’m ready"
Dolly Parton "Girl left alone"
Billy Preston "Volcano"
Charles Lattimore "I done got over"
Hal willis"Dig me a hole"
Zhan Xiao Ying "Ai quing you went ting"
Benny Joy " Spin the bottle"
Rock Rogers "That ain’t it"
Jeff Daniels "Everybody rock"
Danny Reeves "I’m a hob"
Demented are go "Vietnam"
The surfin’ wombatz "the sound"
The dargs "My girlfriend’s in the F.B.I."
The Megatons "Please give me something"
Chrone reverse "I smell a rat"
Vince Ripper and the rodent show "under the wires"
Ray Allen "Hang out"
The poppin’ glieser "Gang bang boogie"
Mack Stevens "Rockbilly romance"
Retarded rats "Kick ass psycho"
Nelson Larrera "What did you expect"

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