Bébés Dinosaures, 26 juin 2011

lundi 27 juin 2011 par bbdino |

Le cocktail musical habituel, langoureusement siroté avant le grand saut dans l’été...

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les Bébés Dinosaures 26 juin 2011 

Blue Öyster Cult Before the kiss, a redcap Live in Rochester 1972
Sonic’s Rendezvous Band Let’s do it again Sweet Nothing (live) 1978
Hollywood Brats Another School Day [1st album] 1974
Cowboys from Outer Space Suspicious Mind The Kaiser fucks the new French rock (comp.) 2005
Alex Harvey Nervous The Soldier on the Wall 1983
Elvis Presley Suspicious Mind single 1969
Humble Pie Sweet Peace and Time Live in Boston 1972
[classic album]
Credence Clearwater Revival Ooby Dooby Cosmo’s Factory 1970
Aerosmith Sweet Emotion (incl. Dazed and Confused) Transmissions (live in Woodstock) 1994
Funkadelic Flashlight Live in Detroit 1978
The Who I’m Free Live at Kingston upon Hull 1970
Sonic’s Rendezvous Band City Slang Sweet Nothing (live) 1978
[fromage de chèvre]
Richard Thompson Sights And Sounds Of London Town Mock Tudor outtake 1999

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